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Yellow Thinking Hat

WHAT IS IT AND HOW IS IT USEFUL? The yellow hat focuses on positivity and optimism. After a focus on criticism, the lesson sequence should turn to positivity, especially if we are to achieve the overarching goal of fostering the acceptance of all people and intercultural understanding (NSW BOS, 1998, p.5).

ACTIVITY IDEA: Students’ next task, then, should be to create a counter piece to this criticism; to create a celebration of refugees in our community. The specifics of the task should be co-designed with students, but teacher should guide students towards reflecting upon the positive contribution of refugee communities to our communities. An exciting and useful way to do this could be to use animoto, allowing students to create something that could be displayed at open days or on the school website.
To download animoto, follow this link:

LINKS TO SYLLABUS: This activity directly addresses the outcome CUS3.3: Describes different cultural influences and their contribution to Australian identities.

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